Associate of Science in Business & Companion Dog Studies
Associate of Science in Business & Companion Dog Studies Degree. The mission of the Business and Companion Dog Studies A.S. degree program is to prepare students for careers in the considerable and varied human-canine activities that contribute to the enjoyment and employment each provides the other, and/or for the pursuit of advanced degrees in canine studies, by educating them in the basics concepts, knowledge, and application of dog handling and training skills.
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Through Bergin University we offer two Associate of Science degree programs:
1) The Associate of Science in Business and Companion Dog Studies
2) The Associate of Science in Assistance Dog Education.The associate degree programs start once a year, at the beginning of the fall semester. The programs require that students attend courses onsite at Bergin University for two semesters — the fall and spring semesters.
Admission and credit transfer requirements are identical for each program.
Note: Associate degree students are assigned dogs to train and are required to complete homework hours by training the dog and being its primary caregiver (feeding, exercising, etc.). This may include taking the dog home evenings and weekends. See the University’s General Policies Regarding Dogs for details.
Program Objectives for AS in Business & Companion Dog Studies
1. To develop a depth of knowledge in canine history, breeds, developmental stages, psychology, physiology, health care and learning methodologies appropriate to the initial study of the canine;
2. To help stimulate a willingness to question, to explore, to expand current thinking;
3. To develop the student’s ability to think strategically about how marketing can be used to assess a competitive situation and create desired outcomes. Through this learning, the student is poised to become a desirable entry-level employee and/or successful business owner in areas such as boarding kennel, dog daycare facility, dog training business, dog walking service, pet sitting service, retail business specializing in animal-related products, veterinary clinics, animal shelters and many others;
4. To learn meaningful ways to relate to all types of people, to identify appropriate target audiences for the most productive and efficient responses. Skills gained include reading body language, recognizing different personality types, and “reading” an audience to maintain interest and ensure the message is correctly received;
5. To prepare students to address health issues in their dogs both on an individual and group basis in a training program, kennel, animal shelter or other group living situation. Students receive basic training in first aid, recognition of clinical signs of disease, emergency situations, and knowledge as to when animals need to be attended by a veterinarian.
Associate of Science in Business and Companion Dog Studies Core Curriculum
The following courses are required for the Associate of Science in Business and Companion Dog Studies degree program. See Course Descriptions in the University Catalog for more information.
LIF 110 - Introduction to Human-Dog Psychology and Development, 3 credits
LIF 150 - Canine Health & Care, 2.5 credits: 2 lec, .5 lab
LIF 151 - Canine Health & Care Supervised Lab, .5 supervised lab credits
LIF 205 - Obedient Dog Training & Customer Processing (3 credits: 2 lec, 1 lab, 2 wks sem beginning)
LIF 206 - Obedient Dog Training & Public Class (3 credits: 2 lec, 1 lab, 2 wks sem end)
LIF 222 - Intro to Business & Companion Dog Selection, Breeding & Whelping (2 credits: 1.5 lec, .5)
LIF 223 - Intro to Business & Companion Dog Selection, Breeding & Whelping Supervised Lab (1 supervised lab credit)
LIF 225 - Intro to Business Management (3 credits)
LIF 235 - Career Considerations (.5 credits)
LIF 245 - Intro to Working & Sporting Dogs Roles & Training (1.5 credits: 1 lec, .5 lab)
LIF 246 - Intro to Working Dogs & Sporting Dogs Training Supervised Lab (1.5 supervised lab credits)
LIF 251 - Pup Care & Training (1.5 credits: 1 lec, .5 lab)
LIF 255 - Intro to Animal Shelters (1.5 credits: 1 lec, .5 lab)
LIF 259 - Business & Companion Dog Laws (1.5 credits)
LIF 262 - Intro to Kennel Technology (1 credit .5 lec, .5 lab)
LIF 263 - Professional and Business Development, 1.5 credits
LIF 272 - Intro to Scent Detecting Dogs (1 credit: .5 lec, .5 lab)
LIF 273 - Intro to Scent Detection Supervised Lab (.5 supervised lab credits)
LIF 278 - Intro to Remediating Problem Dogs (1.5 credits: 1 lec, .5 lab)
LIF 282 - Sales & Marketing (3 credits)
ADE 296 - Intro to Other Canine Career Paths (1.5 credits: 1 lec, .5 lab)
ADE 297 - Intro to Other Canine Career Paths Supervised Lab (1.5 supervised lab credits)
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Expected Learning
Students completing this AS degree will demonstrate:
I learned so much while there and made some wonderful lifelong friends that share my same passion. |
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Course Requirements
Bergin University's associate’s degree program requires that a student fulfill all or most of the programs’ General Education and Elective coursework through a process of enrolling in the courses at another college or postsecondary educational institution, then transferring the completed credits to Bergin University by means of an official transcript of record from the awarding institution. The following requirements apply to all credits and coursework transferred to Bergin University.
- Coursework must be taken at an institution of higher education accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Or, if transferring from a foreign institution, accredited by the equivalent of the country’s Department of Education.
- Coursework is verified by the submission of official academic transcript(s) of record from the awarding institution(s). Applicants request that the academic institution(s) from which they took the course work send copies of official transcripts directly to Bergin University's Office of Admissions.
- All transferred credits are calculated as semester credits. If the submitted transcript indicates that credits are based on quarters, then the credits will be converted to semester credits using the formula of 2/3 x quarter credits = semester credits.
- All transferable coursework is required to have a grade-point value of 2.0 (“C”) or better
- Bergin University has no transfer or articulation agreements with other institutions.
- Coursework must be completed prior to enrollment. Note: An applicant who has not completed all transfer coursework may be permitted to enroll upon consultation with the Chief Academic Officer. However, no student can graduate from a program without fulfilling all coursework and credit requirements including transfer credits.
Decisions on award of transfer credit is made by the Chief Academic Officer or assigned staff, in consultation with appropriate faculty. Academic credit awarded through “transfer” is not calculated in the overall cumulative GPA for coursework completed at Bergin University, nor is credit applicable toward confirmation of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Associate degree transfer credits requirement (General Education):
- 21 credits of General Education coursework
- 3 credits of Elective coursework
- (24 total transfer credits)
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How to Enroll
The full enrollment process and information are in the Admission section of our web site. There you will also find information regarding campus life, costs, and financial aid.
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